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Saved by Sanja Bozinovic
on October 16, 2012 at 10:11:23 pm

A English and Music

  • Do you like music? Do you believe learning English is more fun if we learn with the help of songs and song lyrics? Go to http://www.lyricstraining.com/ and try.



Have fun and tell us about your favourite songs on your page or here in the Comments area!





B English and Drawing



C English and Wild Animals from the ZOO 

  • If you like animals, you can visit Build Your Wild Self page and create Your Wild Self Portrait. You can upload the picture here and describe it for us with all the new words you learned while creating it. 



D English and Your Dreams 

  • Type your dream and see it animated with Max Your Dream site. Have fun and don't forget to share your stories and dreams! 



E English for Young Writers 

  • Do you enjoy writing? For all fans of creative writing and fun: Scholastic Story Starters! If you create a story, don't forget to share! Happy writing!  



F English and Feeding the Hungry in the World

  • Let's play this interesting game and feed the hungry: 


Play Freerice and feed the hungry 




G English to fight Cyberbullying


Watch this video about cyberbullying  http://old.digizen.org/cyberbullying/fullFilm.aspx

This game follows on from the cyberbullying film Let's Fight It Together



This game allows you to log on to a computer and create your own character that goes into the same school where cyberbullying has taken place.

You have the opportunity to experience a day at school with Joe, the main character, and make decisions about how to help him as he experiences cyberbullying. You are challenged to be a responsible digital citizen and find out more about keeping safe online.







This animoto consists of all the students' drawings submitted during the week of the competition "Young Designer of the Week"

Congratulations to our first prize winners Paola and Luka, the second prize winner Angela and the third prize winner Ivan! 




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